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Sechium edule (King kong variety)

A whole chayote fruit sprouts from it's base and develops roots as soon as it makes contact with the soil.

Leaves and fruits edible, roots produced from second year plants also edible!


We recommend allowing the sprout to grow to a length of 12-18" prior to potting it up. If you are careful you can slice the fruit halfway down from the top and then twist your blade or pry the fruit in half so that it splits alongside the inner seed, then you can grow your chayote and eat it too!


Nurse the plants in 1-3 gallon pots over the winter with a small trellis. Feel free to prune tips just above a node if the vine begins outgrowing your trellis.


Continue nursing your plants indoors into any danger of frost has passed. For us that means planting outdoors in mid May, or late April if you have a greenhouse. Check average last frost dates in your area and be sure to play it safe!


With protection these plants can overwinter in zone 7 (heavy mulch or strawbales). In zone 8 and Warner they can overwinter outdoors. For Florida growers be sure to give your plants big mounds (2-3' minimum) so they are well drained and protect the soil with mulch to keep them from getting too much water during the rainy season.


All seeds in this price bracket weigh in at between 10-15.9 ozs at the time of harvest

Chayote seed


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